Installation & First Usage


You can install the iffinity engine via the npm registry:

npm i iffinity -g

After that, the ifc command line tool becomes available:

$ ifc -h
~~~ The iffinity engine compiler ~~~

Running ifc with no command is equivalent to running ifc compile.

For help and options of a specific command, run:
ifc <command> --help/-h (e.g. ifc show --help)

Usage: ifc [command] [commandOptions]

  ifc compile [options]  Compile the project in the given directory to a single
                         HTML file                                     [default]
  ifc init               Create a new iffinity project in the current directory
  ifc edit [options]     Edit the configuration file of the project
  ifc show [options]     Show several project details

  -p, --projectRoot  The root directory of the project (if not specified, the
                     current directory is used)                         [string]
  -c, --config       Specify a configuration file for your project (default:
                     <projectRoot>/iff-config.json)                     [string]
  -o, --outputFile   The output HTML file path                          [string]
  -v, --version      Show iffinity engine version number               [boolean]
  -h, --help         Show help                                         [boolean]

First usage

You can create a story right away, without editing a single file! To do that, create a new dictionary, navigate into it and run:

ifc init

This command will walk you through creating a very basic iffinity project, much like how npm init does it. Creating an iffinity project essentially means creating the project’s configuration file.

The last question that the ifc init command will ask you is whether you want it to create a template project for you. Hit enter and an example.ejs file (along with the iff-config.json configuration file) will have appeared in your directory!

The example.ejs file contains an example story, with a single snippet. Run:


to compile the project. Once the compilation is done, an HTML file will have appeared in your directory. Open it with the browser of your choice and enjoy your first story!